
Category: Activity

January 20 2015

Hello, with today’s press release, it’s public that I joined Unify’s product house as the CTO and head of technology strategy. And, before I get more questions on Twitter and LinkeIn than I can handle, I thought I’ll drop my first[…]

January 7 2015

I am not an Forrester analyst anymore. However, my legacy research is still available on Here’s the direct link…

November 27 2014

Sehr geehrte Forrester-Kunden, Softwareanbieter, Forrester-Kollegen und Freunde, Persönliche Karrieren ähneln in gewisser Weise Innovationen in der Technologiebranche: Sie nehmen eine Herausforderung an, bringen neue Ideen ein, erreichen einige Ziele und verbessern sich dann über Jahre hinweg kontinuierlich. Sie arbeiten seit[…]

November 24 2014

Cloud architectures and cloud business models are not one option. No – they are the default pattern for future enterprise computing. It does not matter if you really use the multi-tenancy capabilities, or if you really embrace an OPEX relation between[…]

October 27 2014

The German Computerwoche magazine hosted last week already the fourth time its annual Best-In-Cloud award. It was my pleasure and honor to sit in the jury of this award. Here are the winners of this year and what I personally found most[…]

October 26 2014

Looking for a new car… and the next car should be electric. Since a few months, the plug-in hybrid technology is even available by my favourite car brand AUDI. But it’s only in the A3 5 door version and this[…]

October 22 2014

Daniel Domscheit-Berg pointed me to this real-time statisic and it social and political impact. Click the image to open the interactive version (via Watch the recording of his keynote on the page.

July 31 2014

Cisco and Pioneers Partner to Support European Startup Innovation with the Cisco Entrepreneurs in Residence Program. See the press release. Their center of activity is initially Vienna. I assume other European capitals will follow. The interesting thing about Cisco is[…]

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